Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Are 'goo'd things in life free, forever?

Sign in with your Zoozle account: ______.xxxxxx MB of inbox space, and counting!
I always used to wonder – how do they afford it, man?

The number after the decimal point kept increasing, and never in the last 3 years I have been on it, had the idea of connecting this to the number that appears AFTER signing in come to me – “you are using 2790 MB of your 7298 MB quota”.

So, I got about 0.9 GB, or 900MB of mail every year. And going by the numbers that keep changing on the sign-in screen, the space addition is like this:

4 bytes per second ,
that is 14400 bytes per hour ,
that is 345.6 kB per day,
that is 126.144 MB per year.

Solving a simple linear equation to find out when the inbox space will be filled up (126 MB per year above the current space of about 7GB, and 900MB of incoming mail for that much period) tells me, it would be about 8 years, when my mailbox will be full.

Now, I have been using my zmail pretty sparingly (I have other mail addresses, and also an office address which I happen to use extensively these days), and also for all I know, the rate at which the space increases, has been declining (I remember about a couple of years ago, the space shot up from 2GB to 5GB in nothing).

So mine could be a below-average case.

Considering an overall average case being 5-6 years (taken to fill an average z-mailbox), here goes:
What if zoozle asks for say US$ 0.50 (yes, just 50 cents) per month to keep the mailbox intact? And we are not even talking about the associated services that come with the zoozle account!

Would you pay it, rather than shift (literally forward each of the mail) the entire mailbox to some other (existing/ searched for) address of yours, which is free (at least at that point of time)?

Would almost-millions of people who hold this z-mail account pay it?

Do I still need to wonder?


Blogger P said...

1. U're not factoring in non-linear improvements in technology. Probably, zoozle'll start giving 1 GB space every year from next year :)
2. Industry-wide changes could affect considerations and are too hard to predict. Moreover, zoozle being d industry leader, could itself affect d industry strategy. What if all _mails start charging for mail space?
3. Auto-forwarding emails is a facility now available with many mail portals includin zoozle, if i'm not wrong. So if they do not deactivate that facility and all mail space is not charged, then u can easily autoforward from zoozle to gotmail, for e.g.

Overall, too early to worry about not-for-free email space.

Better worry about zoozle archivin all data of ur life by zmail, zoozle docs, spreadsheets, zoozle earth, ztalk, news, search, etc. They are already scanning everything in d mails u receive n write. Ever seen d correlation between d content of ur email n d ads appearing on d side? Effectively, they are goin to know u much more n better than ur family! :-)

10:16 am  
Blogger VT said...

worsht max analysis!

10:27 am  
Blogger P said...

just to add on, it might be a good idea to delete not-of-much-use mails from ur inbox rather than store them for posterity. You'll also do your bit towards d environment that way by saving some energy that would otherwise have gone towards running the massive servers storing your attachments forwards! It's never too late to inculcate a good habit, right? :D

4:09 pm  

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