High (on) Life!
A Nawaz Khan road, off the New-N-Gambakkam High road
Helped me lead this life. The mantra is
Don't worry (about the nautanki poltus) and be happy.
Do pub hopping, Go to karaoke nights & attend jazz concerts with foreigners,
Put pseudo cultural dialogues, eat burgers, pastas, sandwiches, pongal
(especially in dingy buildings and atop open roofs)
And talk of the lost heritage of the territory while traveling in blue board buses,
Where people die traveling in buses, make statements like
"I was dying to travel in public transport"
"It is so much fun, you know otherwise you are always in AC cocoons",
While making sure with yourself you have left the AC in the room on.
So you shall have fun of your life here.
I am not a local.
Locals are different.
They talk of greater verity and PE deals while coming out of The Temple.
I never go to such places.
(The non locals make such statements about local places)
There is more to it folks!
You attend pseudo-childrens' book launches
Listen to stories told by aunties doubling up as research scholars and tripling up as authors, and
While all the parents at the ceremony are asked to join,
You say you are yet to experience the sublime feeling,
And then come out, and
Discuss the truly wonderful body language of the story teller cum author
Over a cup of health drink, such as chinese green tea
Or fresh tender coconut water
Under eco friendly shacks
Made up of freshly cut trees
Sometimes my eyes speak too much though
And then there they are, telling me
(on me asking what they do)
"I am a designer artist..
and a mother of 2"
Vicissitudes of (high) life.